Service and support

Location map

Распечатать страницу
Address: 127287, Moscow, Petrovsky Razumovsky Drive St., 29, p. 2, floor 2
Phone: (495) 748-43-50
Fax: (495) 748-43-51
E-mail: info@ecomeds.ru
Location map
If you reach on foot , it is possible to choose one of three routes:
  • From Dynamo metro station (the first car from the center) on a share taxi No. 19 to a stop Church
  • On foot 15-20 minutes from metro station Dmitrovsky on 2nd Hutorskaya Street
  • By an electric train from metro station Dmitrovsky or Tushinsky to the Civil platform, further 5 minutes on foot
In the Business center territory - a penultimate entrance of a long building at the left.
If you reach by the car , can use a QR code for navigation program in the smartphone.